Friday, February 8, 2019

Rabbit Shedding Summer

Rabbits shed quite often. this is one thing you are not made aware of as rabbit owners. they shed at the beginning of summer and then again toward the end of summer. this timeframe might vary depending on rabbit breeds, but you need to groom your rabbit when they shed. this process occurs so your rabbit can grow in their new coat.. It is definitely normal for severe summer shedding. my rabbit, who is housed indoors, sheds so much in the summer that i could build a whole new rabbit out of his hair! if the rabbit is acting fine otherwise and eating, drinking, pooping, and playing normal, then i wouldn't worry about any sickness.. Rabbit sheds. with a little bit of adjustment an average garden shed can be turned into luxury outdoor rabbit accommodation. surprisingly, in terms of square feet, sheds often work out cheaper than the traditional rabbit hutch and they have many benefits..

During shedding seasons, your rabbit should be brushed daily. keeping your rabbit�s fur clean and brushed will prevent the rabbit from ingesting hairballs � rabbits, unlike cats, cannot regurgitate hairballs causing dangerous and painful intestinal blockages.. Your rabbit may go through light molts throughout the year. during these light molts, you may be able to brush away the dead hair and continue to show your animal with success. during a heavy molt, it is best to keep your bunny at home. care and grooming of rabbits during a molt. some bunnies take molting in their st ride with little effect. Even though an adult rabbit typically shed every 3 months, each time lasting about 2-6 weeks, it doesn't really require much attention as many times it's only light shedding. but when it's summer, the shedding becomes more apparent, and extra care is needed to ensure your bunny will not get ill..

rabbit shedding summer