Mulch plants with aged compost in spring and fall (keep it away from the plant's crown), and you won�t need any supplemental fertilizer. these shade-loving perennials add sparkle any time of year, whether in pots or in garden beds.. Diamond frost forms a blizzard in the garden or pot, blooming non-stop from planting until hard frost. this euphorbia is typically listed for sunny spots, where it thrives. it also does well in part shade. try it in deeper shade and see how it works for you.. Shade loving evergreens for containers rhododendron � rhododendrons are generally wide plants in nursery pots so a fairly large container will be needed. in pots as well as the landscape, rhododendron adds bold texture and beautiful clusters of large vividly colored flowers in may..
Read on to learn more about a few zone 8 evergreen shade plants, including conifers, flowering evergreens and shade-tolerant ornamental grasses. shade plants for zone 8. while there are numerous choices for evergreen plants that thrive in zone 8 shade gardens, below are some of the more commonly planted in the landscape. conifer trees and shrubs. Shade-loving evergreen ground covers include siberian bugloss (brunnera macrophyla), a low-growing plant that prefers rich, moist soil and full or filtered shade.. Here is the burke�s backyard list of the 10 best pot plants for full sun, and the 10 best pot plants for shade. don has chosen plants to suit a range of climates. to find out which ones grow best in your area, check with your local nursery..